Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Assassin's Creed Revelations - World Exclusive

Right, I think this may be a genuine Assassin's Creed World Exclusive. Not a ground breaking revelation, sure, but a tasty little extra.

As you’re no doubt aware, Revelations is set in Constantinople (modern day Istanbul) during the peak of the Ottoman Empire, aka the Turkish Empire. At the height of its power, in the 16th and 17th centuries, Turkey controlled 4% of the world’s land.

The reason I’m able to marshal these facts without having to consult the internet is because I’m Turkish. Can speak the language too.

So I was utterly flabbergasted when, for the first time ever, I heard someone speaking Turkish in a videogame. In all honesty it was a real shock to the system. Imagine how you’d feel if your dog suddenly asked you, in perfect English, if he could hump your leg. Well, that’s kinda how I felt. Hard to explain why, but trust me when I say it felt particularly odd.

Anyway, about this ‘World Exclusive’ I promised you. In the video above, between 0.23 and .031, you can clearly hear some foreign guy chatting away. Well, he’s Turkish. Here’s what he says:

“She was exceptionally gorgeous, and I wanted to talk to her. I was in awe. She truly was a beauty.”

So there you have it. You are now 0.000000000000001% more enlightened than you were before you read this article.

You’re welcome.

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