Monday, November 29, 2010

What EVERY Videogame Needs

In a perfect world every single videogame would have at least one of them. They are, after all, the reason we love games.

Nintendo owes its enduring success to them, a testimony to the seemingly innate ability the company has in weaving them, seamlessly, into their games. Microsoft throws millions at developers in the hope that they can produce them and Sony desperately needs an exclusive PS3 title that has one, if it wants to successfully distinguish itself from the competition.

But just what is this indefinable commodity? What exactly is it that transforms a good game into a great game and a great game into a stone-cold classic? What is it that EVERY videogame needs?

A defining moment.

You know, like that bit in Bioshock when you’re given the choice to either ‘harvest’ or ‘rescue’ a Little Sister. Choose to ‘rescue’ and you’re rewarded with one of the most hauntingly beautiful animations to grace a game. Or how about the, genuinely shocking, moment in Final Fantasy VII when Aeris is so suddenly and brutally murdered by Sephiroth?

Yes, in order to leave a lasting legacy, every videogame needs its defining moment, a memorable flash of brilliance that stays with the gamer long after they have finished playing.

Would you care to share you most memorable gaming moments?

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